Where Chrome Bookmarks are Stored on Android

How to find where your Chrome bookmarks are stored on Android? Can you sort them and move them to other folders? Let’s find out.

How to find your bookmarks

When you create bookmarks on Android phones, they are saved in a hidden folder at /data/data/com.android.browser/databases/browser.db.

It is not recommended to edit and move the hidden folder. It can adversely affect the browser and your phone.

How to move your bookmarks

To see your bookmarks, open Chrome, click the three dots in the corner of the screen, and then tap the “Bookmarks” tab. In order to arrange your bookmarks:

  • In the “Bookmarks” tab, click on the three dots to the right of the name of the bookmark you want.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Move to…”.
  • If you want to move the bookmark to a new folder, select “Create Folder,” write its name, and click the check mark.
  • If you want to add a bookmark to an existing folder, after selecting “Move to…” click on the name of that folder.

All folders are displayed in the “Bookmarks” tab above the bookmarks. If you decide to delete a folder, all its contents will also be deleted.

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Mike Lombardi/ author of the article

QA engineer, head of automated software testing department. Knowledge of Java, C/C++, JSP, HTML, XML, JavaScript, SQL and Oracle PL/SQL. Journalist and columnist in the IT field. Website creator and administrator.

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